Measuring Firefighter Benefits and Retirement Plans

Firefighter benefits and retirement plans are something that those fighting fires should discuss throughout their career. Firefighters perform an invaluable service to their communities. In addition to conquering blazes and saving lives, firefighters are essential first responders in many other emergencies. It’s only fair that these heroes have access to the best firefighter benefits available. There is often debate surrounding what kind of benefits firefighters need, though.

The Top Firefighter Benefits and Retirement Plans Available

Read on to learn more about the top benefits available for firefighters and the advantages of each.

Why Firefighter Benefits Are Important

There are many advantages companies can enjoy when they provide employees with competitive benefits. Employees with access to benefits such as health insurance and paid time off tend to exhibit better performance and productivity and greater job satisfaction. These outcomes are essential in positions such as firefighting that entail on-the-job stress and trauma. Providing firefighters with the resources to maintain their wellness can prevent burnout and other job-related challenges.

Firefighter Health Insurance

Firefighter health insurance is one of the most critical firefighter benefits. It’s a well-documented fact that firefighting can have long-term adverse health effects such as heart disease, certain kinds of cancer, and chronic respiratory disease. Firefighters must have health insurance to receive regular wellness checks and preventive screenings for these and other diseases. Firefighting is a physically demanding job, and if team members are taking care of their health, they will be able to sustain the responsibilities of the job long-term.

Firefighter Mental Health Benefits

It’s easy to focus on firefighters’ physical health and overlook the importance of their mental health. Unfortunately, there’s evidence to suggest that firefighting may pose an ever more significant risk to a person’s mental health than it does to their physical health. Firefighters often experience rates of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression significantly higher than the rest of the population. Firefighter benefits should thus include access to mental health resources such as psychiatric care and one-on-one counseling services.

Firefighter General Liability

Although general liability insurance isn’t necessarily a benefit, it does offer firefighters several vital protections. Like any other occupation, many risks are unique to firefighting. If a firefighter faces accusations of causing an injury or inflicting property damage, for example, it could become a significant problem without the general liability policy’s protection. Thus, general liability insurance is essential for any firefighting company to minimize the consequences of claims like these.

Firefighter Benefits for Retirement

Finally, firefighter benefits should include a retirement plan. Many options allow companies to offer this benefit, including a 401(k), a 457 plan, or Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees. Giving firefighters the ability to save for retirement is a meaningful way to invest in their future. Additionally, an employer’s contributions to a firefighter’s retirement plan will typically be tax deductible. It makes retirement plans a win-win offering for companies and firefighters alike. Firefighters can advocate for any other perks or resources they want by petitioning for specific benefits.

About Provident Fire Plus

At Provident Fire Plus, we offer custom-tailored packages to best protect firefighters and volunteer firefighters. We understand the risks that emergency response teams are subjected to on a daily basis, and have worked to serve these dedicated professionals for over 87 years. For more information about our products and policies, we invite you to contact our experts today at (855) 201-8880.