As long as there has been equipment for fire apparatus, there has been product recalls and inevitable failures. While many of these issues can be prevented with routine inspections and proper maintenance, these safety concerns are simply a part of the job. As we take a closer look at these safety threats, ensure your clients’ apparatus are secured with a Fire Department Commercial Auto Insurance policy.
It goes without saying that any manufacturer, either small or corporate, would not willingly send out defective equipment or trucks that were knowingly defective. However, these issues continue to plague the industry. According to the federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 632 vehicle recalls issued by manufacturers, involving 21,963,918 vehicles reported in 2013; a few dozen of those recalls from several fire apparatus manufacturers affected close to 12,000 rigs, says Firehouse. Needless to say, these sobering statistics deserve some attention.
Like any business, the manufacturing industry faces many risks. While these apparatuses allow fire departments to adequately and efficiently do their jobs, a misstep on their part could lead to significant danger or injury for those aboard. What’s more, someone who may have nothing to do with the actual incident may be held accountable.
For example, a Hall County, GA fire chief was terminated after a cable failure on a used aerial caused damage to three firefighters. While the chief was not aware of the aerial’s history, he was still held accountable.
Therefore, as these inherent risks surround the industry, any incidents need to be investigated thoroughly. When the root issue can be identified, liability can be mitigated and reduced in the future.
From snapping cables to wheels falling off of the rig, there are countless things that could go wrong with the mechanics of the apparatus. With that in mind, carrying a comprehensive and custom-tailored policy to protect your clients’ rigs and operations is a necessity. At Provident Fire Plus, we write policies that are crafted especially for your clients in order to provide peace of mind at affordable prices. For more information, we invite you to contact us today at (855) 201-8880.